Main headlines from this issue

Pakistan asks the West for support through barters and swaps

Pakistan’s President, Asif Ali Zardari, has prepared concept papers to persuade the international community to assist Pakistan “in these troubled times” through mechanisms such as barter trade, debt swaps, oil supplies on deferred payments, and market access for Pakistani goods.

Algeria prepares a formal offset policy

Dialogue is currently ongoing between Algeria and certain GCC countries concerning the development and implementation of a formally structured offset programme.

Czech Republic snubs EDA with 153 percent offset requirements

Czech officials have announced that Austria’s Steyr-Daimler-Puch will deliver offsets worth 153 percent of the 14.4bn korunas ($670m) purchase price for 107 Pandur II armoured personnel carriers. The agreement appears to flout the imminent European Defence Agency’s Code of Conduct on Offsets.

Russia to supply military hardware – Bolivia to allow access to energy resources

Bolivia will receive helicopters from Russia and assistance to develop energy resources, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said during Bolivian President Evo Morales’ Moscow visit in February. Morales said he would discuss the immediate purchase of Mi-17V-5 helicopters and loans of other aircraft to fight coca production.

Koran / Iraqi barter will secure Korea’s oil supplies for three years

South Korea and Iraq have signed a bilateral agreement according to which South Korea will help rebuild Iraq and …. Korea will receive enough oil to supply the entire nation for almost three years.