Main headlines from this issue

South Africa’s NIPP and CSDP to be merged – NIPP to become a pre-tender process

The S. African government has launched a wide-ranging policy action plan to develop the relationship between its National Industrial Participation Programme (NIPP) and the Department of Public Enterprises’ Competitive Supplier Development Programme (CSDP). The move would transfer a range of key purchases for infrastructure programmes to......

India sends mixed signals about ‘Fuzzy Offsets’

Speaking at the DRDO Technology Day Awards Ceremony, India’s Defence Minister, A.K. Antony, stressed the need for self-reliance. He urged the public and private sectors to work together to create modern facilities with a large manufacturing base. It was time for the DRDO to shed its reticence about working with private industry, he said.

Blenheim applies for UKFSA and MIFID Authorisation

In a tactic designed to outpace competitor offset service providers Blenheim has submitted an application to the UK Financial Services Authority to be regulated by the FSA. It is also seeking authorisation for a Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) passport.

Indonesia: “We need more offsets”

Indonesia’s Defence Minister has called for the regeneration of strategic industries ..... Although Indonesia has no formal offset procedure, it is now government policy to extract benefits from foreign suppliers of military equipment to support indigenisation and acquire technology transfer......

EDA says code is already making a difference

An European Defence Agency bulletin comments that offset remains one of the most controversial practices in defence procurement, frequently inefficient, unnecessarily duplicative, and market distorting. Yet, it says,......