Main headlines from this issue

European Commission engages with Offset…but dare not speak its name

The most conspicuous feature of the new European Directive on Defence and Security is what it lacks: there is no explicit mention of offsets. Yet, in an extraordinary turn of events the European Commission brought the issue sharply into focus one week before the GICC conference when it offered a hellfire sermon on the theme that all offsets are illegal.

European Directive gives Hungary A Dilemma

Dr. Ábel Garamhegyi, Hungary’s Special Envoy of the Prime Minister, expressed concern at the European Commission’s interpretation of offsets as an illegal activity. He made the telling inference that a question of legality is supposed to be steady. An interpretation is not supposed to change day by day.

EDA to publish study on use of abatements

Arturo Alfonso-Meiriño, the European Defence Agency’s (EDA) Director, Defence Industry and Market Directorate, disclosed that the agency has conducted an in-house study on the use of abatements and swaps.

Portugal adapts policy after scandals capture headlines – ‘Evolving Multipliers’ Introduced

Ambassador Pedro Catarino declared that the Portuguese Offset Commission, of which he is President, is now prepared to take a more interventionist and proactive approach in the construction of offset programmes.

Malaysia signs a convoy of agreements, but no contracts until the benefits are agreed

Eight contracts, five MoUs, three Letters of Acceptance (LOA), and four Letters of Intent (LOI) were signed...