Our article entitled ‘Australia and the Accidental Global Supply Chain’ attracted an unusual amount of interest. Greg Combet, Australia’s Minister for Defence Materiel and Science, was particularly concerned about our statement that Australia’s new defence procurement battle lines have been re-drawn.
The Greek offset and industrial participation statute is a fearsome warrior with a troubled past. Addressing its future, Thanasis Potsis, an executive with the European Finance Associates (EFA) Group, told conference delegates ....
Grant Rogan, founder of the Blenheim Capital Group, injected a bolt of energy and optimism into proceedings with a prediction that four countries within the Gulf Cooperation region will procure some $123bn of military equipment within the next five years.
Kuwait is moving to the next phase of its offset programme with plans for a bureaucratic meltdown and a blitz of new legislation.
Isdefe-Gerencia de Cooperación Industrial (Isdefe), which administers the offset policy on behalf of Spain’s General Directorate of Armament and Material (DGAM), approved more than 14,600 offset transactions between ....