A new Board of Directors has been appointed to run Kuwait’s National Offset Company (NOC).........His appointment is bringing a new focus to the NOC’s offset policies, particularly with regard to technology transfer.
The Malaysian government has appointed Blenheim Capital Partners in partnership with Masterplan Consulting Sdn. Bhd to support and promote a Malaysian Defence, Science, and Technology Park (MDSTP) through ‘innovative financial solutions’ and offsets.
France will build at least two advanced warships for the Russian navy, President Nicolas Sarkozy announced. Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky said: “We do not need the ship but we do need its possibilities”.
Hostility to Canada’s JSF purchase is gathering pace. The Industrial and Regional Benefits (IRB) so far accruing to the programme are described as meagre compared to those achievable through a competitive process.
Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and defence experts are calling on the EU Commission to go after “market-distorting, corrupt side-deals” to major defence contracts between member states. They are citing German submarine sales to Portugal and Greece as examples of malpractice.