A letter sent to India’s Defence Minister, A.K. Anthony on August 25, 2010, on behalf of the aerospace trade associations of the U.S.A., Canada, UK, France, Germany, and the U.S.-India Business Council has generated a stormy atmosphere in India’s MoD. We reprint the letter in full.
Indonesia has introduced mandatory counterpurchase clauses in the tender documents of at least two large projects in the power generation sector. The bid documents say the terms of the countertrade guidelines enacted in 1982 must be followed.
Britain’s MoD has decided to review its industrial participation policy to ensure that it meets the new objectives of the coalition government. The review will be part of a Green Paper.
The Greek MoD has submitted legislation before Parliament to address conflicts between the ministry and obligors over expired offset contracts and their penalties.
Poland has offered technology transfer and a joint venture with Indian industry as part of a bid to supply tank recovery vehicles to India.