Main headlines from this issue

Offset gives Ferrostaal starring role in Nelson Mandela movie

South Africa’s Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) has been forced to answer opposition concerns about the \moral appropriateness\" of accepting an investment by Ferrostaal in a R260m ($36m) movie depicting the life of Nelson Mandela. The investment qualified for offset credits.


South Africa’s NIPP review describes progress but “hides figures”

\The National Industrial Participation Programme (NIPP) is working and it is working by and large along the lines intended\" the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) said in the NIPP Performance Review 2009.


Offsets cost South African Airways 3-5 percent – was it worth it?

South African Airways (SAA) recently disclosed to the South African Parliament's Public Enterprises Committee that it paid 3 to 5 percent above market price for its aircraft.

Ukraine looks to offset to boost defence industry

Ukraine and Russia have reached agreement on the key characteristics of a further plan for the joint production of the An-70 military-transport aircraft..... Ukraine’s new government is showing great interest in defence projects and military-technical cooperation...

Mexico: domestic facility swings it for Eurocopter

The Mexican MoD has signed an agreement with Eurocopter for the purchase of a further six EC725 helicopters at a cost of about $212m.