Turkey’s Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) is working on a new industrial participation and offset directive. The document, which is scheduled for release before the end of this year, will...........
Turkey’s Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) has petitioned for the introduction of a civil offset policy to be applied to government procurements. The appeal, we are told, has the backing of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.
Kuwait’s recent National Offset Company (NOC) boardroom sweep has led to the introduction of significant reforms in offset implementation. Obligors have to brace themselves for a new way of thinking.
Indonesia will now insist on binding all military procurements from foreign companies to technology transfer and joint production projects, the Deputy Defence Minister, Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, has declared. The seller would have to propose.......
Pierluigi Parolin, Alenia Aeronautica’s Senior Advisor for Offset, offered Izmir conference delegates a revealing look at the high attrition rate in Turkey between offset planning and implementation.......