Main headlines from this issue

INDIA: DPP-2011 – A recipe for further discord

The Defence Procurement Procedure 2011 (DPP 2011) expands the scope for offset fulfilment to include most aspects of civil aerospace, marking the first official intrusion into the civil sector. Internal security projects and training now also qualify for offset..... Yet the policy remains full of dangerous shadows.

India: DOFA’s secret offset file is found by roadside

An inquiry has been ordered into how a file marked ‘secret’ connected to the $10.4bn acquisition of 126 medium range multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) went missing. The document was found on New Year’s Eve on the side of a road. The file dealt with the evaluations of the offset proposals submitted by the six global competitors.

South Korea: DAPA plans changes; FDI disappoints

South Korea’s offset authority, the Defence Acquisition Programme Administration (DAPA), is planning to extend multipliers to SMEs, the first significant multiplier change in the 29 years of Korea’s offset programme.

UAE: OPB offset guarantee clause guaranteed unacceptable

An umbrella agreement that every contractor with an offset obligation must sign to move from the old offset policy to the new policy under the UAE Offset Program Bureau’s (OPB) revised guidelines has hit a snag over the bank guarantee.

Prospects for Indian / South African countertrade

MMTC, India’s state-owned commodity trading company, is to set up an office in South Africa to source coal, gold, diamonds and other minerals.