More indirects – fewer new offset agreements with EDA member states
The 15th Annual Report to Congress on the Impact of Offsets in Defence Trade has revealed that in 2009 thirteen U.S. firms reported entering into 56 contracts that had related offset agreements for the sale of defence items and services. These contracts, signed with 21 countries, were valued at $10.68bn.
The Annual Report to Congress is continuing to wither in both size and content. Its release used to be an event that took the reader on a tour of the world with country-specific data; now it is an orphan on an annual outing......
Turkey’s Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) is about to introduce major changes to its offset directive that will redefine the programme’s objectives. Although subject to final confirmation, we are advised that the new approach will......
Many countries have complex and challenging offset requirements that should be incorporated into upfront capture strategies, says Deloitte in its Outlook 2011 report on the aerospace and defence sector.
Vincent Tchenguiz has quietly invested as much as £12m ($19m) in a range of defence, cyber security and intelligence companies over the past four years. He has now taken a stake in an Israeli defence technology company as part of a much larger plan to....