Main headlines from this issue

Oh! Calcutta!

The aim of the current Indian Defence Minister, A. K. Antony, has been to raise the level of indigenous defence production and reduce the level of inputs. DPP 2011 was published in January and contained very significant changes, particularly in the area of offset. So far, those changes have yet to be felt on the ground......imported defence equipment has increased and the percentage of programs procured offshore is now 75 percent.

EU Directive: implications on offsets

Discussion on the EU directive continued at the GOCA conference, once again producing plenty of heat, but lots of smoke and little clear vision.

Russia drafts legal changes to regulate offsets

The Russian Ministry for Economic Development has drawn up amendments to the 94th Law on State Procurement. The amendment introduces the concept of offset deals in which ........

Poland prepares amendment

Poland is adapting its law to comply with EU directive and practices in the use of offsets. It is not a process that is undertaken with relish. The proposed wording is.....

Polish Treasury probes Bumar’s Malaysian contract

Bumar is to undergo an audit by the Treasury Ministry, which is investigating an agreement signed in 2003 for the sale to Malaysia of 48 PT-91M tanks.... The $380m offset contract is part of the largest export deal ever signed by the Polish arms industry...