Main headlines from this issue

Turkey’s 5th directive moves policy to a new level

SSM is placing greater emphasis on the scope of the IP, revising the multiplier table, lowering the threshold, and raising the quota. It is also offering new incentives for engaging with SMEs in defence projects ........

Structured trade finance will survive the directive, with a geographical shift

Colin Heritage, Managing Director of Stemcor Trade Finance, predicted that the EC Procurement Directive will reduce offset obligations in Western Europe but that Asia, Latin America, South Africa, and in particular the Middle East and India, will see a rapid growth in the practice.

Kuwait: primes baulk at sharing offset feasibility study with other parties

What has changed is the offset project process. Foreign companies may satisfy their offset obligations by proposing direct and indirect projects and selecting a local partner, which may or may not be involved in the project......

Greek procurement law expected by June

A new Greek Procurement Law, which will show how Greece will adapt to the EC Procurement Directive, has to be ready before Parliament rises for its summer break in June.

Kazakh barter default laid to rest after 18 years in Indian court system

The Indian Supreme Court has ruled that Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India must honour its commitments resulting from a countertrade agreement.