In a further illustration of the direction of Indonesia’s emerging industrial participation policy, the Indonesian Navy has declared that it will install C-705 missiles to be jointly produced by Indonesia and China. Indonesia and Russia have begun exploring the possibility of joint production.....
Finland has removed its offset threshold. Tuija Karanko, Secretary General of the Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries, told conference delegates that the offset trigger is gone. “We had a threshold for €10m. We don’t have that anymore,” she said.
Knuth Herrefoss, Senior Adviser to the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation (NDLO), told the conference that the Norwegian authorities do not practice traditional offset. “We prefer indirect industrial cooperation – and the directive regards that as one of the worst things that you can do.”
A Parliamentary Committee must now review and approve all Greek defence procurements, and a Court of Audit will monitor all phases of the procurement, not just the contract award.....
Thailand’s former Prime Minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, has called for the government, led by his younger sister, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, to......