More than 400 delegates attended the fifth GOCA/ADS Global Industrial Cooperation Conference in Izmir… The EC boycotted the event, unravelling a panel discussion that focussed on the directive. Lee Furter, Snr Manager for Offsets at Ruag, valiantly stepped in at short notice to present a humdinger on EC defence procurement policy and the directive, and picked it apart.
Murad Bayar, SSM’s Undersecretary, told conference delegates that SSM’s project portfolio has reached an impressive cumulative value of about $27bn since 2002.
Poland’s response to the restriction on offsets is to say: “Okay, we don’t need offsets. We could make offsets go away… as long as all products are produced in Poland.” Conference delegates chuckled, but the speaker wasn’t joking.
Iwan Bannwart, ABB’s Group VP for Offset and Countertrade, told conference delegates that the civil offset industry as such has little voice. “I am part of this club here, and this is defence and aerospace…. “Sometimes I feel a bit lonely.”
Thirteen participating NATO nations will share in an industrial participation programme for the purchase of five RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned aircraft.