Main headlines from this issue

“Bull on the loose” at Kuwait’s NOC

Chairman tramples another CEO

The National Offset Company’s Chairman, Anwar Abdul Rahman Al-Jawdar, has fired the newly appointed CEO, Othman Al Quraishi. The warm weather putsch took everyone by surprise, occurring well within Mr Quraishi’s 100 day trial period. No reason was given.

Poland surrenders!

Polish Defence Minister Tomasz Siemoniak has confirmed that an additional five C-295M transport aircraft ordered on June 29th 2012 from Airbus Military do not have any offset arrangements.

Japan’s F-X evaluation: Defence White Paper says all three bidders fared well in industrial participation

Japan’s annual Defence White Paper dedicates several pages to explaining the decision to select the F-35A for its F-X fighter requirement.  All three bidders fared well in industrial participation.

U.S. defence firms lobby for an ASEAN-wide defence offset programme

A major grouping for U.S. businesses has proposed the creation of an ASEAN-wide defence offset programme to spur technology transfer while helping to boost U.S. arms sales to the region.

EDA puts out tender to assess offset impact on EDTIB

The European Defence Agency has invited proposals for a ‘Study on the Impact on the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB) of Defence Offsets Requested by Third Countries.’