Main headlines from this issue

A law suit and a mysterious replica offset company bring new problems to Kuwait’s NOC

Othman Al Quraishi, who was sacked soon after his appointment by the National Offset Company’s former chairman, has launched an action for unlawful dismissal and abuse of authority. He seeks reinstatement and damages. Separately, his law firm has drawn to the attention of the Minister of Finance and the Kuwait Investment Authority, owners of the NOC, copies of documents that have come into its possession suggesting that a replica company was set up in suspicious circumstances.

Reluctant Poland prepares for change – and EC aggravation

At the beginning of November 2012 the president of Poland approved an amendment to the Public Procurement Law which comes into force on March 1st. How Poland will interpret its responsibilities under the directive is far from clear.....

Russia to review contracts, lands military and civil industrial participation programmes from Italy

Russia plans to review all the contracts concluded on the import of armaments and military equipment. Although the agreements may not be cancelled, they will be “corrected”.....

China’s “Opportunist” barters are damaging Iran’s domestic industries

A report prepared for the U.S -China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC) on China’s relationship with Iran finds that Tehran sees China’s approach as an opportunist attempt to exploit Iran’s economic isolation.

Events Diary 2013 is in issue CTO 1

Events Diary 2013 is in issue CTO 1