Main headlines from this issue

“Courageous Denmark” – leads the initiative as Nordic countries take issue with the directive

The Nordic countries, under pressure to comply with Directive 2009/81/EC, are making a determined effort to preserve their industrial participation policies. Negotiations have been conducted with EC officials largely behind closed doors …. How far they are prepared to test EC tolerance?

Offsets are not permitted in New Zealand – unless you offer them

New Zealand’s Economic Development Minister, Steven Joyce, has announced new rules on government procurement. The rules comprise 94 pages, replacing 44 different pieces of legislation, cabinet directives, and miscellaneous guidance released by a multitude of government agencies over many years. They come into force on October 1st, 2013.

Kuwait’s NOC produces data to head off criticism

A river of statistical data from Kuwait’s National Offset Company has diluted the effect of a study by the Kuwait Economic Society. The study looked at the performance of the NOC. ..... The release of so much raw data may well change the perception of the NOC’s achievements.

Israel’s ICA chief steps down

Industrial Cooperation Authority director-general Bina Bar-On is stepping down after nine years as head of Israel’s ICA. Government policy is to restrict the term of office of senior government officials.

Russia says all defence import transactions will be concluded with offset programmes

The deputy premier and chairman of Russia’s Military-Industrial Commission, Dmitriy Rogozin, called for Russia “to switch to the offset operating arrangement.”