Main headlines from this issue

Finland lets genie out of the bottle – new IP rules retain multipliers but lose penalties

Finland has published new rules - not guidelines - on industrial participation. The rules promise multipliers for indirect (defence) projects and make no mention of penalties. The most significant differences.....

Brazil’s Health Ministry to become pill producer with Israeli technology

Israeli biopharmaceutical company Protalix Biotherapeutics has secured a supply contract with the Brazilian Health Ministry, promising technology transfer for….. The contract is further evidence of Brazil’s drift into a civil offset policy.

Australia passes legislation for civil offsets

The Australian Senate passed the Australian Jobs Act the day before prime minister Julia Gillard was replaced by her party. The Australian Jobs Act will ensure that all projects worth A$500m ($455m) or more will complete Australian Industry Participation (AIP) plans, regardless of their location and regardless of their industry sector.

A.K. Antony vs. Anand Sharma in the battle for FDI

India’s Defence Minister, A.K. Antony, has opposed moves to raise the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) cap in defence manufacturing from 26 percent to 49 percent. But Commerce and Industry minister Anand Sharma declared that Mr Antony's reservations are part of the wider discussion process in government and that India will raise the limit.

Sandeep Verma investigates the culture of corruption in offset transactions

Designing offset rules and regulations without compromising integrity and transparency in the procurement process may be challenging but it’s a challenge with which Sandeep Verma, is familiar.....