Main headlines from this issue

South Africa puts local content provisions in draft procurement law - obligors seek exit through penalties

South Africa’s National Treasury is working on a broad Public Procurement Bill that could cover both commercial and defence industrial participation policies. The draft bill is intended to create instruments to enforce compliance in the specification, advertising, evaluation, adjudication and awarding of tenders to leverage industrial development.

Saudi Arabia to introduce tiered approach to mandatory domestic spare parts production

Defence contractors to Saudi Arabia may be required to prepare and define a programme for achieving local spare parts manufacturing. Opportunities for foreign military contractors have so far been restricted, but the restrictions are about to change.

India: Foreign suppliers relegated to second place for all government procurements

India’s Finance Ministry has issued an enabling provision to the General Financial Rules that favours domestic industry over foreign companies in government procurement contracts. The policy initiative is meant to support the government’s ‘Make in India’ programme.

Will Germany give Boeing preference for investing in Cotesa?

Boeing is sending a message to the Bundeswehr by expanding its supplier base in Germany. Cooperation could influence the Bundeswehr’s order for the next heavy-load helicopter of the German Armed Forces for which the company is competing with Sikorsky.

Australian MoD: “Protectionist measures always bring only illusionary gains – so we have the Australian Capability Programme”