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Volume 2009
Main headlines from this issue
Abu Dhabi International Offset Conference 2009 reviewed
In a dramatic eve of deadline development the Romanian MoD delivered a letter to the European Defence Agency (EDA) asking for more time to consider its position on the Code of Conduct on Offsets…… The Norwegian government has subscribed to the Code of Conduct on Offsets under an Administrative Arrangement...
Waha Capital and Blenheim set up another offset investment fund
Waha Capital has been mandated to arrange and manage a financing programme to purchase military aircraft worth AED 11bn ($3bn). The deal includes the procurement of advanced Super Hercules from Lockheed Martin along with four C17 military transportation jets from Boeing.
Kuwait outlines business plan – Offset obligor committee established
Mazen Madooh, Managing Director of Kuwait’s National Offset Company (NOC), described his country’s offset business plan and announced the formation of an Offset Obligor Committee…
Joel Johnson: “Treat foreigners fairly”
Although Johnson sang the same song at the SMi conference in Turkey, he did add a new variation by declaring that offsets now are much more difficult to do — and there just may be a role for the U.S. Government.
Main headlines from this issue
Conference Report – India
The India Regional Offset Conference held in New Delhi in February was pure political theatre: entertaining, with high audience participation, and the ultimate demonstration of public accountability. DPP 2008 was neatly dissected…
India – Credit Banking
Discussing credit banking, Shashi Kant Sharma, Director General for Acquisition at the MoD, admitted that “certain issues” have not been fully answered but believes that vendors have misunderstood the new facility.
India – Technology Transfer
If indirects represented one point of dissatisfaction for OEMs, technology transfer was a challenge for India, especially when it came to deciding their value.
India – “Mysterious DOFA” and the Chairman Who Knows Nothing
“DOFA to many of us is a rather mysterious organisation,” began David Wolf innocently. “Can you take us through the steps of obtaining pre-approval for an offset project? Secondly, how will DOFA monitor specific offset programmes and evaluate those programmes and issue credits to those obligors?”
Switzerland: Armasuisse drags its feet over Government’s insistence on policy changes
The contentious report on Switzerland's industrial participation and offset process prepared by the Swiss Audit Authority following its probe of Armasuisse, leaked last July, has so far failed to provoke the company into making the policy changes demanded of it by the government.
Main headlines from this issue
Malaysia to announce national countertrade policy, allows credit banking
Malaysia will compel its ministries to engage in the country’s countertrade process when purchasing from foreign contractors. The government will announce a national countertrade policy within the year. Malaysia has also introduced new countertrade guidelines, effective now, that allow for the banking of offset credits…
Turkey’s new evaluation formula
Turkey has changed its evaluation score for offset proposals, with a variation in the coefficient category and preference for design projects that benefit SMEs.
Slovakia: The new offset law will have to be amended
Slovakia is considering amending its new offset policy. The policy was conceived as recently as December 2007 and became mandatory a month later...
Czech Republic doubles threshold and signals further policy review
The Czech Republic has significantly altered its priorities for offset fulfilment and is to revise its guidelines in preparation for compliance with the EDA Code of Conduct on Offsets. The threshold, presently €18m, is...
EDA: Transparency in all but name
CTO considers the reference to transparency to be insincere, paradoxical and duplicitous. We put it to a senior official that confidential information is to be submitted to the EDA by each SMS, later to be circulated amongst members, but not to be available for publication...
Main headlines from this issue
13th report to congress on the impact of offsets in defence trade slimmed down
The thirteenth annual report to Congress on the impact of offsets in defence trade has shrunk. The US Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) has made substantive changes to the report’s structure, acceding to concerns raised by US prime contractors.
A patriotic reflex has occasioned two annexes for the first time to be designated Not for Public Release. The information is considered competitive and sensitive, but without it the report’s jewels are missing.
US Interagency team anticipates spring dialogue on “Limiting the adverse effects of offsets”
The US interagency team that consults with foreign nations on ‘Limiting the Adverse Effects of Offsets in Defence Procurement’ submitted its third and final report to Congress in February 2007...
Malaysia revives its preference for bilateral barters – approaches made to several governments
Malaysia will barter $70m worth of palm oil for fertiliser with North Korea and Russia. Malaysia’s Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities has also put forward proposals for bilateral barters with countries such as Morocco, Jordan, Syria and Iran.
Main headlines from this issue
Brazil begins military and civil regeneration through industrial participation
President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has launched a national policy to establish Brazil’s defence industrial base and support industries in the civil sector through enhanced industrial participation. A National Defence Strategy document lays down a timetable for various ministries to prepare for legislation to “stimulate participation by civil society.”
France and Brazil agree far-reaching technology transfer terms for helicopters and submarines
Brazil has signed contracts worth $12bn to buy 50 EC-725 military transport helicopters and five submarines from France under a bilateral cooperation agreement covering the extensive transfer of French technology.
Goca chairman resigns – new board takes over
Global Offset and Countertrade Association (GOCA) Chairman Neil Rutter and several Executive Committee members have resigned, with new appointments taking effect from 1st January.
Korea is preparing new version of offset guidelines
South Korea’s offset policy will change in 2009. CTO has learned that a new version will be issued perhaps as soon as May.
Russia rejects Cambodian claim that debt is forgiven
Cheam Yeap, Chairman of the National Assembly’s Committee of Finance, Banking and Audits, assured other legislators that Russia will cut 70 percent of Cambodia's debt. The Russian Finance Ministry denied that Russia agreed to forgive any debt.
Volume 2008
Main headlines from this issue
Special Report: UK industrial participation in serious decline – MOD blocks enquiries
The number of industrial participation agreements implemented in the UK is in progressive decline. At the current rate it will be terminal within a few years. This is evidence, it seems, of restrictive budget cuts for defence acquisitions and a lack of political will in implementing an IP policy, even during a worsening recession and with unemployment in the defence industry on the rise...
Poland signs a blizzard of offset contracts as the year closes
Poland’s Ministry of Economy signed three offset contracts on December 10, 2008. By the end of the month, the country will have added offset contracts worth ZL1bn ($331m), representing an obligation of 100 percent of supply contract value in each case...
Recession bites into Turkey’s offset-generated defence exports
Turkish defence companies, which rely heavily on offsets for exporting their already limited products, will face a 25 percent decrease in Turkey’s overall exports because of the global financial crisis, say Turkish defence industry sources. This is despite the Turkish currency’s 25 percent decline in value against the dollar since the beginning of September...
Bulgarian industrialists complain “Offset programs are just a delusion” – demand protectionist policy
Chief executives of several Bulgarian defence sector companies have complained that the public procurement procedures of the Bulgarian Defence Ministry were formulated in a way that excludes Bulgarian firms from participating...
Main headlines from this issue
Israel lowers civil offset quota and allocates multipliers – policy “A victory for employment and investment”
Unless it can negotiate a new Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), 2009 will be the last year that Israel may demand industrial cooperation for civil procurements. Israel must also lower its 28 percent quota to just 20 percent with effect from January 1, 2009 for civil acquisitions made from countries that are signatories to the WTO agreement. Civil acquisitions from companies in countries which are not signatories to the GPA will continue at the 35 percent level...
Chinese company to discharge offsets in Israel
The Haifa Port Company, which tried its best to resist the Industrial Cooperation Authority’s imposition of an industrial cooperation commitment in the company’s tender documents for dockside cranes and equipment, has signed the winner - the Chinese company ZMPC - to a 35 percent industrial cooperation agreement...
Poland: Thales offset contract suspended as shipyard faces insolvency
Poland’s Deputy Defence Minister, Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz, disclosed the shipyard's financial problems have caused the Defence Ministry to delay signing a contract with Thales Nederland for an electronic combat system for a corvette. The contract was understood to be for more than Z600m ($201m). The decision places in jeopardy construction of the first warship in free Poland, estimated to cost Z1.2bn...
Sri Lanka: Tea Association rejects government barter proposal
The Sri Lankan government has spoken of trying to arrange “some kind of barter deal” with major buying countries for its tea, but the Colombo Tea Traders Association (CTTA) warned that such an approach is an outdated concept. \The avenue of barter trade between friendly countries is not available anymore\" the CTTA said in a statement...
"Main headlines from this issue
Australia raises threshold – Industry capability programme working well
Australia has raised its threshold for industrial participation. All tender responses to Australian defence equipment RfP’s worth more than A$50m ($34m) should now include plans that maximise opportunities for local industry where cost-effective. The requirement will be particularly important when adapting existing products to meet Australia’s requirements since local firms will have to provide through-life support. The previous threshold was A$10m but was not a fixed entry level...
New Zealand: MoD must campaign for foreign primes to engage with domestic suppliers
New Zealand’s Defence Industry Committee will be asked to confirm annually that the MoD and its agent, the Industry Capability Network (ICN), have appropriately promoted domestic suppliers’ capabilities to prospective overseas prime contractors...
India: Bell withdraws, citing an impossible offset requirement
Bell Helicopters has withdrawn its bid from the competition for India’s 197 light utility helicopters, citing expected to be implemented under an offset programme, the Ambassador noted...
Offset conference in UAE boycotted
The conference organised by IQPC on Defence Industry Partnerships in the Middle East flopped badly when speakers and delegates apparently boycotted the event. We hear that speakers who had taken exception when asked to pay attendance fees rang delegates to express their displeasure...
Main headlines from this issue
Special Issue: EDA announces code of conduct on offsets “This is a breakthrough decision”
The Steering Board of the European Defence Agency (EDA) has agreed a voluntary code of conduct on offsets. The Code is intended to ensure greater transparency, help to shape the European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB), and reduce reliance on offsets. Described as “a first step in dealing with a very complex issue,” the EDA’s goal is ultimately the creation of market conditions in which offsets will no longer be needed...
South Korea: DAPA to consider awarding credits for nondefence offsets
South Korea's Defence Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) may award credits for non-defence products made by registered SMEs. The government is also considering foreign investments made “in the national interest” as another method of indirect offset implementation...
Consensus winds down its offset activities – staff are cut back and re-deployed
If you were ever planning to weep for the masters of the universe, then this would be the moment. The global financial crisis and the shortage of liquidity are taking its toll of the offset service sector. The first company to fall victim is Consensus Business Group (CBG). There are other major players rumoured to be in difficulty...
ECCO or ECHO? An intriguing initiative to involve the global offset community
Offset executives at Areva, the French specialist energy conglomerate, are backing the launch of a European industry group, named ECCO, for the global offset community. An email to several corporations invited comments and suggestions, and gave notice of a meeting to be held at Areva’s premises in Paris on December 17...
Main headlines from this issue
India: “DPP 2008 has been misread” – New light thrown on interpretations
The offset credit banking provisions sanctioned under India's Defence Procurement Procedure 2008 (DPP 2008) have not been well received and are seen as too restrictive, admitted Maj. Gen. Mrinal Suman during an address to a Defence Manufacturers Association (DMA) seminar in London. Many vendors have misread them, he claimed...
Arguments over basic requirements of India’s civil offset policy to be resolved
Inter-ministerial consultations over the terms of India’s future national policy on civil offset have stalled over differences of opinion on at least three crucial features. The policy is intended to cover the entire commercial sector...
British offset and industrial participation associations to merge under joint patronage of DMA and SBAC
The British Industry Offset Group (BIOG) and the Industrial Participation Forum (IP Forum) are planning to merge into a single new industry body that would address all offset and industrial participation matters under the joint management of the Defence Manufacturers Association (DMA) and the Society of British Aerospace Companies (SBAC)...
Brazil: Three remaining contenders for fighters are down to the wire with offsets
Three of the six bidders for Brazil’s F-X2 fighter competition have been eliminated and the focus has now shifted to the offset proposals of the remaining competitors. The Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin’s F- 16BR, and Sukhoi’s Su-35 have lost out; Boeing’s F/A- 18E/F Super Hornet, Dassault’s Rafale, and Saab’s Gripen remain in the running...
Main headlines from this issue
French Ambassador expresses concerns at India’s offset procedures
Jerome Bonnafont, the French Ambassador to India, told a Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) seminar that India’s offset policy is too complex to implement, and called on the government to review it...
Romania positive on offsets as new development phase begins
Romania’s Minister of Defence, Teodor Melescanu, told an offset conference at Bucharest’s Parliament House in September that Romania is about to enter a new phase for the development of the armed forces, with offset as an absolutely necessary tool for the expansion of the country’s economy. He underlined the important role offset plays in defence acquisitions by obtaining state of the art technologies and foreign investments...
“Southeast Asia wants the whole gamut of extremely complex offset packages”
Perhaps he was having an off day, or perhaps he was making it up as he went along, but Dr. Richard Blitzinger, Senior Fellow at Singapore’s Rajaratnam School of International Studies, told delegates to a Defence Finance conference in London that Southeast Asian countries want the whole gamut of extremely complex offset packages, and require a great deal more innovation than before. He was referring to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia...
Publication of the ‘Offset Service Providers Directory’ service providers directory’ is suspended
The global financial crisis has taken its toll of several offset service providers, with some asking to be removed from the CTO’s Offset Service Provider Directory for 2009/10. Inclusion in the directory is subject to payment...
Main headlines from this issue
Special Report: EDA workshop on offset code of conduct splits into two main camps
European Defence Association (EDA) workshop that convened in Brussels this month to discuss the draft Code of Conduct on offsets amongst member states split into two main camps, with Spain surprising those present by taking a position contrary to expectations. It was a closed meeting, and press briefings were not permitted...
Taiwan: Defence companies may now discharge obligations with entirely civil projects
Taiwan is increasingly looking to countries other than America to provide new technologies, and now accepts civil offset solutions for defence acquisitions. Jack Tang, the Industrial Cooperation Programme (ICP) Program Director, told CTO the ICP is expected to recommend an increase in indirect offset projects to support local industries...
US-Taiwan business council petitions USTR to relax on Taiwan
The US-Taiwan Business Council has written to Jennifer Choe Groves, the Director for Intellectual Property and Innovation for the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR), supporting the removal of Taiwan from the USTR Special 301 Watch List. The Special 301 annual review examines in detail the adequacy and effectiveness of intellectual property rights protection in 87 countries and classifies countries accordingly...
South Korea: DAPA presses for Co-Development and export licenses
Defence Administration Program Administration (DAPA) Deputy Chief, Kim Jong-min, called on the head of France’s General Delegation for Ordnance to discuss ways to improve the countries' cooperative relationship and to request that France simplify its export authorization process to help Korea export to third parties the defence goods it builds with French technology, DAPA said in a press release...